Cena's matches often, if not always will consist will see the crowd engage in dual chants. With all the children, sporting there replica t-shirts, wristbands, headbands, title belts etc will begin the chant with a high-pitched, yet somehow very vociferous "Lets' go Cena". Instantaneously after, all the adults (specifically men) over the age of about 15 will respond with a deeper, somewhat angrier "Cena sucks". "Lets go Cena"... "Cena sucks". Rinse...lather...repeat.
For the International wrestling community (IWC) Cena has often displayed wrestling skills, very unorthadox, but to many subpar to great performers of the past like Eddie Guererro, Kurt Angle and more recently Chris Jericho. Many also believe younger wrestler like The Miz, Wade Barret and the new superstar of the business CM Punk all display superior wrestling skills to Cena. The "five moves of doom" that Cena quoted this Monday on Raw are a criticism of his lack of versatility, yet in his defence, Cena has been involved in matches with Triple H, Shawn Michaels and the aforementioned CM Punk, that have left many, myself included marvelling at some of the abilities we don't always see.
Other criticisms of Cena are that he is never booked to lose cleanly, and a defeat of his will always be subject to disqualification, cheating or interference. Again, how often do you read a comic book and see Superman, Spiderman or Captain America lose fights. If Cena is to be booked as the superhero to the youngsters in the audience, WWE must surely know that kids won't thorw all there support to a superhero that loses. Children are fickle, so Cena's invincibility is a must to keep him atop the metaphorical tree.
This leads us into the notion that he's the poster boy of the "PG era", and in turn takes the brunt of the venom elder fans have that they get overlooked in favour of a friendlier, less brutal product, seen as being more beneficial and less harmful to kids. WIth no ECW anymore and TNA's product becoming worse and worse every given week, the monopoly on the market for the "E" gives wrestling fans no where else to turn.
Outside the ring Cena, in my opinion receives unfair criticism and abuse for lack of a better word, a prime example being the wrestlemania press conference where every time he tried to talk, he would be loudly booed , to the extent where nothing he said could be comprehended or understood. For a man whose good-ature and friendly personality on-screen more than reciprocates it away from camera aswell. Cena to this day still has granted more wishes to the "Make a wish" foundation than any single person on the planet, helping kids make there biggest dream come through.
Back inside the squared circle, Cena's gimmick is heavily scrutinised, having started out as a Vanilla Ice meets 8 mile freestyle rapper, cutting strong heel promos garnering heavy heat from audiences he performed a "face" turn, (wrestling speak for becoming a good guy). He kept the rapping gimmick up until he was in the movie "The Marine", where he then went on to be a marine on screen for a period of time. Since then his promos have got more cliched and corny, his t-shirts get brighter and more eye-popping, but still he generates obscene amounts of money for the company. Now in his super-hero, cant-be-defeated gimmick, one which has existed for nearly 4 years, to many has become very stale, and in need of change.
The future for Cena looks to be more of the same, yet the thought of him taking the heat he receives from the crowd and turning into a full-on villain similar to the "Hollywood Hogan" heel turn back when he was in the NwO is a mouthwatering prospect, it seems incredibly unlikely, especially has Cena adressed all this in his contract signing with CM Punk this past Monday on raw. He spoke on the "Five moves of doom", "heel turns" amongst other things, and it seems clear that we will see alot more of the same from Cena, who if we similar performances to last months "Money in the bank" pay-per-view, may not necessarily be a bad thing.
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For many, especially the "We hate Cena" guy, John Cena is a stale, stagnant character who is in dire need of dramatic change to maintain interest and any kind of support from the older wrestling fan. However, the question of people having enough of him, the reaction speak for themselves. Whether people love him or hate him, they let him know.
I wrote a blog on "Why Wrestling Fans Boo John Cena". You should check it out, as it is well thought out and articulates every reason that people take issue with John Cena.
ReplyDelete-Wrestler's Way
Hey, thanks for reading, i'll check it out.